Mighty Men of God at Calvary South


In the Old Testament, King David surrounded himself with brave, courageous men who eventually became the “Mighty Men.” Today, our world, our churches and our families need brave courageous men who will be “Mighty Men of God.” It is the vision of the Calvary South Men’s Fellowship to strengthen, encourage, equip and build up the men of the church, to be all God has called them to be as individuals, husbands, fathers, sons, employers or employees, through the study of God’s Word, fellowship and prayer.

The goal of the men’s ministry is to grow as spiritually minded men in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Calvary South Men’s ministry seeks to empower men to:

·      Lead their families in worship

·      Explore the Word of God in study

·      Reach out to men in the community with the Gospel

·      Help hold other men accountable to God’s standards

1 Corinthians 16:13, which says, “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.